Ellia Jacksford Designs
Thank you all for supporting my small business. My journey began with a good friend's suggestion to purchase an embroidery machine. Fortunately for me, I took that advice and my life has never been the same since. I immediately fell in love with embroidery and the ability to create beautiful things. In no time at all I discovered that I was able to create a steady income doing what I love. I opened Ellia Jacksford Designs in 2014 and named the business after my four children as they are always the reason behind everything I do. (Ellia Jacksford is all four of their first names squished together).
Time flies when you're having fun! As my love for embroidery grew, so did my obsession with learning more and growing my business. Digitizing seemed like the next logical step and I am loving my time spent creating digital files. Digitizing has allowed me to express that crafty girl inside in a fun new way and has opened doors in other areas of embroidery as well. I have had the privilege of teaching embroidery classes at various expos, conferences, and stores throughout our beautiful country. This has truly been my favorite part of my journey so far. I love getting a chance to meet my customers and get to know them on a more personal level. I hope you enjoy my designs and find the same happiness stitching them as I do creating them. Happy Stitching!